June 21, 2010

A promise is a promise

The newest Peggy pictures... she is being the purrfect cat. She won't leave her human out of sight not for a minute. Muri was nowhere to be found.. he spends his days with Peggy's human's ex husband: my guess is, the boys are football/soccer fans :) 
there's a good view from the top of the couch

How did you find me snoozing away under the kitchen table?

ok... if you insisit.....

I tried to create a new habit.. remember? I obviously am addicted to the Internet (e-mail, Facebook, blogs), is there a support group for people like me??? My eyes really hurt Friday so I decided I would give them some much needed break from the PC... I did it and I lived!!!! Yes, I can! I was actually quite proud of my self: Saturday - 10 minutes on the PC (with a timer), Sunday - just a sneak peak while hubby was "indisposed". It felt so good to be in control. 

I need to recuperate on my blog reading now... I can stop when I want.. in theory....


Eva said...

She is cute. She looks as if she has a strong personality ;-) And we know what that means with cats.
I have also made some rules concerning the time I spend on my computer. It's good ... suddenly the days are a lot longer ;-)

Louise said...

She's so expressive! You really can tell what she is thinking and how she feels, even in a photograph. That cat is almost as lucky as the human who adopted her.

Suzanne said...

Hi there! I love your blog and am really enjoying Peggy's happy life. I wanted to give you a tip I used to refresh my eyes. The exercises are recommended to do every 15 minutes and can be done in seconds, but I'm usually so engrossed in what I'm doing I don't think of it.

One is to cup your hands over your eyes so that you can't see any light at all and just stare into the darkness.

The second exercise is to look in the distance and focus on something far away -- at something out a window or across the room. I like to focus on something I love, like trees or birds outside, which gives my spirit an uplift at the same time. If I had a kitty snoozing across the room that would be wonderful to look at.

I forget the reasons why these help. It probably relaxes the muscles around the eyes.

I really enjoy your blog and look forward to you sharing you loving world. Thank you! @>---

Sandra said...

Louise: she is very expressive, I so agree! She seems to be very bright, too!

Eva: she really knows what she wants:) And yes, days are longer with the computer off (but I missed reading the blogs!)

Suzanne: I will try the exercises - I guess our eyes are overstimulated....

Melody said...

You can come visit the farm, that's a perfect way to stay off the computer! You can just barely get a cell phone signal when the wind is just right, let alone an internet connection! :) How far did Muri have to travel to get to the Ex's house for the sporting events... I have a vision of him heading off down the street with a suitcase in his paw...
Peggy does look mighty comfy there.... :)

Carla said...

Lucky, lucky Peggy!
She is a beautiful girl and seems to have fallen into the lap of luxury.

Sandra said...

Melody, not to worry, the ex lives just upstairs:))

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